I had a spiritual teacher once say “You need to be careful who you sleep with because they can take your sexual energy”.
But do I agree with this? Hell no! And here is why.
Firstly… This remark highly plays into slut shaming and celibacy culture. And if you know me, a self proclaimed proud slut, you would know that I want NONE of that! It’s just backwards conservatism, in a new age spiritual mask. FUCK THAT.
You are allowed to be as free or as closed off as YOU desire, not what anyone is scaring you into or out of.
Yes our sexual energy is our most precious and valuable part of us that we have. It is our life-force energy, it is our vitality, our “mojo” if you will. But the thing about it is that when you reclaim that energy as yours and learn the properties of it and know how to work with it, it can NEVER be taken away or exploited from you again!
When you reclaim it, it is YOURS to do whatever you want with and protect it in ANY circumstance!
Which is EXACTLY what the practices and knowledge teaches you in The Pleasure Witch Coven.
I understand the sentiment, it is important to make people, especially women and vulva beings, understand that they have this powerful force inside of them and that it can be exploited, but that sentence above is wayyyy too close to how priests say it, in shaming you for having sex at all. And it plays wayyy too far into making you scared of sex and pleasure!
Because the thing about energy is yes it can be taken, but it can also be given and amplified! So if you are choosing partners based on your empowered nervous system, if you know the properties of energy, you are not choosing partners based on a traumatized nervous system that doesn’t know how to say “fuck yes” to the right person, then be as slutty as you want because it can absolutely FUEL your vitality!!
I also just love being a slut personally because it taught me empowerment, how to ask for what I desire, receive worship, and connect with such a diverse range of humans on the most intimate level possible!
It really comes down to honing your intuition. Which is a witches most powerful tool!
Can you listen to your body deeply? Can you read other peoples energy? Choosing lovers that fuel you not drain you?
Want to learn how?