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The #1 Thing Religious Trauma Steals From Us

Religious trauma is very interesting because even if we weren’t sitting in the church pews being yelled at that we’re disgusting and a sin, we live in a society that what the church teaches us is culturally the norm.

And that is of course sex negativity, that your body is the original sin, and that everything is wrong with you. 

And don’t you dare feel pleasure in your body, especially at your own hands, because your body is only for a man’s pleasure it’s not for you. 

When ironically, we are absolutely biologically wired for pleasure. It’s just we don’t think that way because of the systems we live in and therefore we know pain and numbness so well, but we don’t know the other part of our nervous system, which is pleasure.

So regardless, if you went to church growing up or not, you still live in a society that is controlling you through religious influence and therefore you still experience the trauma from it. The messaging is EVERYWHERE. It's like death of 1000 paper cuts, it builds up and up in our subconscious.


But what’s so interesting about all of this, is actually the worst thing that religious trauma does to people. 

That is the relationship to God, spirit, The Goddess, The Universe, magic. Because people with religious trauma were always inflicted pain upon “in the name of God“, they have a very difficult time conceptualizing that magic and spirit can be a good and beautiful thing. 

And so they find deep comfort in the tangibility of science. My mom is a great example of this. 

To each their own human experience, I’m not here to tell you what is right or wrong. But you are receiving my emails because magic does intrigue you right? Even if you are maybe a bit scared of it or don’t fully believe it. 


Because the only other way we really know magic is from Harry Potter really. Which is also not a good example of what it actually is. 


When I was extremely suffering before I found Tantra, I literally tried everything. I grew up extremely atheist in my family and science-based, but I always felt like there was something more out there.


When I stumbled upon Tantra and found the magic that is the goddess and universe, I started to understand that our experience of being humans is 50% and in front of us and 50% beyond that. And now I truly believe that if you don’t believe in magic and spirit (or God or whatever you what to call your “Northstar” that’s guiding you) you are missing out on 50% of the human experience. 


The word “Tantra” has a few definitions but one of them is to ”weave” and one of those meanings of weaving is to weave our human experience with our spiritual experience. 


Yet Tantra is not an organized religion, it is simply a life philosophy. That’s actually why it has no affiliated god. The gods are more from Hinduism which is derived from tantra, but ironically, Buddhism is also derived from tantra and definitely has no God.

That is why we use the term “North Star” because you’re looking for whatever is beyond your tangible world that is guiding you and it really doesn’t matter what you call it! 


I personally work with “The Goddess” often, because that’s simply what resonates the most with me, but I also work with mother Earth, the universe, or different elements. I work with divine love. I work with the power of Pussy.

The possibilities are endless with whatever you want to work with, and that is a part of the process of reprogramming religious trauma because it no longer has to be this image that you learned of God. The sovereignty and power is returned back to you because the spirit is you and is inside of you and therefore you have the power to choose whatever it is and whatever you relate to it as! 


And this in turn feeds the philosophy of Tantra where your life is 50% your control and 50% your fate. When we “weave” those two things together, we are no longer playing the victim to something bigger than us. We are now in alignment with it.


When we start living our life in greater alignment, that is when our desires start to come through. 


If you’ve ever heard of a manifestation coach, if they’re missing this particular element to teaching you what manifestation is all about then they are scamming you. 

Manifestation is not like Santa Claus, it is about finding your highest alignment and deepest purpose on this earth. 

And that is absolutely becoming in alignment with spirit. 

But for those of you who are really traumatized by spirit because of religious trauma, no need to worry! 

My work because I have a background in anatomy, Pilates, and pelvic floor I teach a slow evolution into the more spiritual stuff so that even if you never get comfortable with the spiritual stuff, you will still have an incredibly connected and pleasurable relationship with your body! 


So you really don’t have to be sold on the spiritual aspect of this work in order for it to work for you because the practises are very tangible and scientific and I explain all of that in every single practice, including Jade Egg! 


I eventually, you feel comfortable enough to start working with a "Northstar", then it is totally your own autonomy and sov ereignty and dictated completely on your own terms!

Which is absolutely the opposite of religion… 


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