How do you start sex? Partnered or with yourself?
Kissing maybe. Some slow touch or fantasy.
You might even be actually into foreplay, which is incredible because it does take the body 20 to 40 minutes to warm up before having intercoures, and yes I’m talking about penises too! Not just for vaginas!
But have you ever heard of attunement?
It is one of the biggest keys to having incredible Tantric Sex!
Attunement is the conscious act of connection and it happens with 3 particular elements.
Intention The first way to have Tantric Sex is to intentionally choose it. It sounds simple but I swear, intention goes A LONG WAY! We live in a world where we are being bounced around to things we are not fully choosing. Consent is almost a wash when we are feeling horny because we just let that energy take over us without consciously checking with what we actually desire. So when you want to have epic sex, you need to set intentions to have it! This stage is KEY! And when you want it with a partner, saying it out loud is extremely powerful.
Co-regulation Before you touch someone or yourself sexually, you need to make sure your nervous system is in a state where it can relax and feel safe so that you can fully enjoy the experience.After you set the intention, you want to physically regulate by taking deep breaths together or solo, tuning into your energetic body, tuning in to your partners, energetic and physical body simultaneously together, and you can even do this by eye gazing with each other. Tuning into your 5 senses is another amazing way to co-regulate. If you’re with a partner, it is especially key to regulate because you’re about to embark in a vulnerable experience with your nervous system, and if you don’t feel safe and regulated with that person, then you’re not going to be able to reach the heights of your pleasure. It’s a simple as that.
Focus Attunement is deeply about being focussed on the task you are actually engaging in. If your phone is on, if the TV is playing, or if you’re in a rush and have to get somewhere soon, there is no way you’re actually going to be able to focus on the task at hand. Therefore you will not be as in-tune with your body and with your partner’s body, and you will not be able to be present and focus. Because the best sex is actually deeply vulnerable and if you are uncomfortable or distracted and constantly checking out because you’re not able to feel what is actually going on in your body, there is no way you are then going to be able to feel incredible pleasure. You will be somewhere else rather than focused in your experience.
Attunement is that place that you reach where you can truly read your own body as well as read another humans.
It’s vulnerable and scary. It is deeply intimate. But that is absolutely the path to the most incredible sex.
And I truly know, with all the years I’ve been doing this work. The reason I focus on people building that foundation with themselves first is because there is no way to have the best sex if your best sex is only associated to a partner.
If amazing sex is only associated to a particular person. You will never truly know the depths of your own body and your own pleasure. It will always be for and based on someone else.
That is why it is so key to know this foundation with yourself first so you can have the best sex ever with a partner if that’s what you desire!
And this is exactly what the course in the coven is all about.
Attunement with yourself. Deeply intimacy with yourself. The most incredible pleasure with yourself as a foundation of your life.
Which absolutely ripples into your life wayyyyy outside the bedroom.
If you know incredible pleasure in your body with yourself, anything you ever do and anywhere you ever go you will always have that!
And this is the KEY to pleasure reclamation!
With pleasure, Nadia 🌙 Want to learn these tools and have the most incredible Tantric Sex!? Join us in The Pleasure Witch Coven for so many practices and rituals to guide you there! ✨🔮 #sacredsexuality #healing #sexualhealing #sexpositive #relationships #sexualhealth #love #tantra #sexcoach #selflove #sexualwellness #sexualempowerment #selfpleasure #conscioussex #relationshiptips #sexualconnection #sexeducation #sexuality #sexualenergy #sexeducator #tantricsex